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Why Your Muscles Burn? And What Is DOMS?

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

Do we really know or do we have a good idea?

You may have been wondering what it is that's causing your muscles to burn so much that you are forced to stop your exercise set at repetition 8 instead of 12.

Exercise related burning in your muscles can occur from lower oxygen levels (similar to your arms falling asleep, a condition known as hypoxia), micro-tearing of the muscles, and the resulting healing process that occurs immediately. In other words, tired, low oxygen, and micro-torn muscles can be the reason for the burn you feel during and sometimes after workouts.

Scientists have discovered other possible associations regarding the chemicals lactate and lactic acid to be present in the blood and muscle tissues related to anaerobic exercise, and the limited amount of oxygen found in the bloodstream when anaerobic exercise occurs. Lactate and lactic acids are variables often considered leading to the exercise related condition DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

DOMS: How do you know if it happened to you?

How do you know that you have the condition of DOMS ?

Well, it is not at the point of maximal muscle fatigue called "failure" in the gym that we recognize DOMS—considering the definition in the name "delayed". But, we often recognize DOMS at the point when a day or two comes along and we feel muscle soreness or aches in exercised muscles. DOMS is not considered a dangerous condition at all! In fact, it is a normal condition that occurs when muscles have been properly and consistently worked beyond a normal workload (exercise is the process of working muscles intentionally beyond their natural use). For example, let's say you exercised your arms today, performing multiple exercises and sets to encourage muscle growth. If the next day you're sore, the arm exercises led to the evidence of DOMS—sometimes muscle soreness can go on for another day or two after the arms were aggressively worked (exercised).

What to do about muscle burn and DOMS? PLUS Muscle Building Supplements!

Honestly ...there's nothing that we can really do about muscle burning during exercise sessions. Muscle burning from proper exercise is actually desired to ensure that we are working our muscles to their fullest potential, particularly when we are performing resistance training and body sculpting exercises with purpose. You can use healthy muscle burn as an indicator for a good work out (notice I said burn, not pain—you should not feel a dull, deep pain or "popping" when you exercise. If you do feel something like these then you should stop exercise immediately).

There are definitely some measure that you can take to reduce the effects of muscle burning during your workout, though these techniques are through trial and error and place a big load on the mental focus you have and pain tolerance you hold. The following ideas are good for managing burning muscles during workouts:

Drink water during the workout: Water can be a mental distraction from pain.

Stretch in-between exercise sets: Stretching the muscles during exercise can help with shifting the burning feeling away from the location of exercised muscles.

Muscle Building Supplements!

Try supplements that are for improving pH blood buffering or muscle hydration: Since research describes that lactate and lactic acid are variables to muscle burning, researchers have designed blood buffering and water retention supplements that supposedly neutralize acidic blood levels and some that increase muscle cell water volume.The following supplements below are worth a try (a-c):

a. Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda ) reportedly helps blood buffering based on research

WARNING: Too much sodium bicarbonate can lead to diarrhea, so the capsules below are great for reducing burning muscles . See the customer reviews and ratings for the EARTHBORN ELEMENTS BAKING SODA CAPSULES.

b. Beta-Alanine has been reported to be beneficial for managing muscle soreness during exercise.

WARNING: Though natural tingling occurs with the supplement, severe tingling in the body can result with the overdosing of beta-alanine, becoming a distraction to your workout.

c. Creatine Monohydrate does a great job at increasing muscle resilience and strength, and is capable of delaying muscle burning due to the increased levels of water in the muscle improving endurance.


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a natural condition that muscles achieve a day or two after the muscles are thoroughly exercised to fatigue and beginning to recover. There are a few ideas that exercise scientists and researchers have put together to assist in the recovery process after a day of amazing exercise. They are mentioned below:

a. [BIG POINT! ] Water consumption should be a natural action that any exerciser should be following, but understand that the muscles and organs in your body have a high amount of water and after sweating, they require replenishing to operate and heal quickly.

b. Stretching is a great idea to remove muscle tenderness. It should be done daily anyway to keep your nutritious, aiding blood flow efficient. Continue to stretch if DOMS occurs and you may find that you won't be sore after future exercise sessions— absent muscle soreness doesn't mean that you did not have a good workout session.

c. Glutamine is an amino acid that assists with muscle recovery, as well as other non-exercise related health benefits. Supplementing with this amino acid ensures that you have enough of the amino acid if your diet isn't properly balanced. The amino acid glutamine can be found in all foods, but particularly in protein rich foods.


I hope that this article helps you with the recovery process of effective exercise and the relief from any annoying fitness tenderness that you have during the recovery process. If you have any questions or need fitness help, please don't hesitate to email me at .


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