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Muscle Fullness...How To Keep It!

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

Photo By Insider

One minute everything is nice, full, and round and the next morning, the western plains seem to have overtaken your muscle tone—flat city. The question is, " what can I do to keep my muscles looking fuller?" But now is not the time to worry—we've got some answers and solutions for you!

Why do muscles sometimes look flat?

Muscles are a unique organ on the body. They are responsible for keeping the body in alignment and allowing us to move. They are made of proteins and filled with water—regular water drinking reduces the appearance of flat muscles . Blood vessels attach to the muscles by way of capillaries, which allows blood to engorge areas around muscles. Nutrients, such as glucose, is delivered to the muscles which an is stored in the muscles as glycogen. Glycogen helps with the process of water absorption into and around the muscle. Lacking glucose and proper water hydration can lead to flatter appearing muscles.

But, why do muscles look big?

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Muscles can look big because of the amount of water that fills them, the amount of blood that surrounds them related to exercise, and the amount of carbohydrates that are eaten. When physical activity is not performed regularly, the muscles will look flat, meaning that they will appear less round or pumped up.

Unfortunately, there's another situation, one that you don't have to worry about too much if you've been consistent with exercise. This one situation that leads to flat appearing muscles is muscular atrophy, where the muscles shrink when not used regularly or are not exposed to a certain resistance from weightlifting or other form of exercise..

What causes people to worry about "flat muscles"?

Many people worry about having flat muscles and have the following reasons for having the negative image of them.

  • They feel they are getting too small

  • They believe they are sleeping on their chest too much

  • They believe they are losing muscle mass

  • They feel like they're not working out long enough

These reasons are common reasons for people to notice or desire to address "flat muscle" problems.

How to improve muscle fullness?

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Muscle fullness can be improved through various methods. The methods that it takes to maintain muscle fullness are affordable, effective, and very convenient for time sakes. Here is a list of simple methods to improve or maintain muscle fullness.

  • Exercise consistently

  • Stay hydrated

  • Lift weights or use body weight exercises

  • Eat carbohydrates


It is an important fact that you address your "flat muscle" problems to regain and develop your physique in the way you desire. There are simple tips and ideas that you can take to fix your muscle problems. Be consistent and stay focused-you will see the muscle pumps and round muscles you dreamed to correct.


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