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'4 Ultimate Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Lose Weight?'

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., Exercise Science, Fitness Professional

You will learn why you may have a hard time losing weight and learn simple ideas to fix the problem.

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Realizing that you need to lose weight is easy. But why is it so hard to actually do it? There are many factors that can affect your weight loss agenda, but let's keep it simple. Below you will find "4 Ultimate Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Lose Weight?" This ultimate list will provide you with the MAJOR factors that can resolve your weightloss resistance problem.

1.) You may have a diet problem.

Sometimes we go through great lengths to improve our weight and our eating choices. Our diet is often the main factor that can determine if our success in losing weight is possible. When we make good decisions about how many carbohydrates we eat and when should we eat carbohydrates, this can help us greatly in our weightloss agenda.

2.) You may be experiencing a plateau.

When aggressively pursuing weightloss plans and attempting to meet short-term weightloss goals, sometimes we can find ourselves dealing with stagnant and stubborn weightloss moments. These moments are called "plateaus". Being steadily overweight while trying to meet a fitness goal can be frustrating and a plateau never seems to be a good friend when it visits. Try taking a week or two away from your current workout to allow your body to fully recover from consistent exercising. Give your body a break before restarting your exercise routine again.

3.) You may need to resistance train.

We find ourselves in heavy bouts of rigorous cardio exercise to burn fat quickly; sometimes we gasp for a breath and even sweat profusely as we as aim to get rid of the weight. Sure, cardio exercise is good for weightloss, but mixing in resistance training can be a tremendous help. You can keep your strength and maintain a healthy, "un-flabby" shape with consistent resistance training.

4.) You may not have enough physical activity.

It is one thing to be busy, but it is another not to have organized physical activity. Organized physical activity helps us increase our energy usage more than the activity from our busy lives. This is where many people get confused and ruin their weightloss ambitions. They think that being busy in their daily lives is enough movement, but the type of foods that they eat between those busy moments are calorie dense, requiring extra activity to burn. To be on the safe side, add early morning walking or late evening walking to your busy schedule to jump start or enhance your calorie burning.


The key to manage resistant weightloss can come to you in 4 easy explanations. "4 Ultimate Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Lose Weight?" is a great article to use to pinpoint your problem with resistant weightloss and answers many of your weightloss struggle questions.


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