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The Top 5 Things To Focus On When New To Exercise!

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

Photo by Push Gym

Sometimes when you are new to the gym setting or not sure how to get started, you may need to know what to focus on to get the fitness results that you want. This blog will help you with 5 things to focus on as you search for ways to improve your quest to get into shape.

Why do you want to exercise anyway ?

Since our younger years, P.E. was the highlight of our day. We ran, played, and talked outdoors on the playground for years, but something happen later. After we transitioned to the high school gym for a few years and then graduated, we became very relaxed in our physical activity in the real world. Some of us put on pounds and have now started searching for answers to get the "adulthood" weight off.

What are some good benefits from exercise?

Exercise has many benefits that are surprisingly helpful to our real lives. Often times, we find a need of fitness equipment ridiculous so we exercise at home. These exercises help with improving daily activities that require natural human movements. Below is a list of popular fitness results that you can get in gym settings, but in this case, bodyweight exercises called calisthenic exercise will do the trick.


Our daily activities require a certain level of flexibility—both for our safety and natural function. For example, the lunge exercise keeps your hip muscles loose and flexible for when your occupational work conditions prevent regular movement due to desk sitting and stationary workspaces. Tightness in your quads and hamstrings, is greatly reduced, especially after gentle stretching or yoga. Calisthenic exercise helps restore proper range of motion, allowing your body to activate the correct muscle groups during exercise and general movements. Did you know that poor flexibility can develop poor muscle development and improper movement patterns!


Doing exercise can definitely build strength, even with the use of bodyweight. Joints and bone receive stimulation to calcify to rebuild their quality. The US Military implements the use of calisthenics and resistance training in their basic training program to help build strength, but to also avoid injuries related to job duties. Added muscular strength with light weights can help reduce the wear and tear that weightlifting can have on your body. 

Increased Muscle and Tone

Muscles are built on the principle of progressive resistance. You can only progress your resistance so far when you only use your body weight. Performing exercise can help produce a reasonable amount of muscle mass, and maintain it—this is important to remember for people that view themselves as skinny or underweight. Calisthenic exercise can accomplish muscle growth without the tearing and trauma that weight training can cause.

Weight Loss

You can tackle the problem of burning excess fat from two directions with exercise. Light weight training can build muscle mass and tone muscles all over your body. Increased muscle mass raises your resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories every moment of every day—this helps in producing weightloss with a calorie deficit. Second, continuous exercise regulates your heart rate. Doing aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways possible to burn off fat.


Circuit training can help with your endurance, your ability to perform prolonged exercise and regular activities without quick tiredness. Endurance training requires you to do as many repetitions of an exercise as possible, without rest, until fatigued. Every day that you re-perform these exercises, having allowed your muscles to heal overnight, your endurance will be increased. You will be able to perform more repetitions of exercise before you fatigue and even walk longer. Timed walking and running can result in increased endurance and have a positive impact on every part of the body, including the cardio-vascular system.


Focusing on the 5 mentioned ideas will help you approach your exercise agenda more effectively . You will know what to expect when you design a workout plan, decide to hire a personal trainer, or prepare to think about what you should focus on when pursuing a fitness strategy.


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