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Spring Recovery— Get Back To Working Out!

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Preparing for the road to recovery from the holiday season can be fun, effective, and rewarding. It is good to be prepared and ready to perform the best fitness routine to meet your weight loss and wellness needs after the holidays. I will provide you some reasons about why you should be prepared to get ready in the spring to reach weightloss goals and provide you a simple exercise program to get it done!

Why prepare now for meeting fitness goals in the spring?

Fitness goals are important after a season of heavy eating and natural diet detoxing. Getting started with meeting your fitness goals is a healthy and surefire way to get the health needs you are seeking. Here are a few benefits of getting started early:

  • Redesigning your fitness goals can get started earlier when it doesn't seem to matter when it's cold outside.

  • Food selection tends to be different after the holidays, especially when limited by your local grocery store.

  • Getting a gym membership early can be easier with less time to wait and also lower fees. You may also find a membership special at your local gym.

Here's a simple HOME TRAINING PLAN that you can use!

The point to this simple exercise program is to get you back conditioned and on a steady state of exercise that is ideal for general exercise practices and weight loss motives. Here is a simple exercise routine that you can follow:

Warm-up: Go for a 15-20 minute walk on a treadmill or your neighborhood.

  • 1-minute Mountain climbers

  • 30-seconds Jumping jacks

30 seconds rest

  • 30-seconds High knee jogging-on-the-spot

  • 30-seconds Squats-with-a-jump (at the top)

30 seconds rest

  • 30-seconds Fast alternating lunges

  • 30-seconds Lateral jumps

30 seconds rest

  • 30-seconds Fast step-ups left leg

  • 30-seconds Fast step-ups right leg

30 seconds rest

  • 30-seconds Reverse lunge with knee drive left leg

  • 30-seconds Reverse lunge with knee drive right leg

Take a rest break and repeat!


Getting back into the swing of things after the holiday season is ideal for meeting any fitness goals that you set for yourself to recover from holiday eating. Ease back into your fitness routine with patience and diligence. Play around with the exercise times that you see with the exercise routine.


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