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' The Basics of Healthy Running '—Run Easier!

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

Start Running Easier

Many weightloss seekers and fitness enthusiast desire running to be their focus in becoming healthier. Running can be a fast way to get fit, feel better from endorphins, and even form new achievements in a fitness journey. A healthy habit of running doesn’t have to be hard or complicated — simply find a comfortable pair of shoes and a subtle desire to run with motivation. We provide different ideas that will make your desire to run or your current running strategy, less boring and more interesting!

Find a Race to Hold You Accountable

Being accountable to other people or goals can be the motivation that you need to do even the least desirable things in life. When running may not be seen as a desirable thing to do, it is a good idea to sign-up for a local race. Races often have other people there that are not there for competition, but wanting to simply be healthy. The path to be a successful and consistent runner is to find a race, sign up for it, pay for it, and put it on your calendar.

Be Inspired to Improving Your Running Comfort

Both new and intermediate runners may find it necessary to make some adjustments to their running skills. Runners may recognize painful heel-striking instead of light and comfortable ball of the foot landings. If subtle problems like these are noticeable in your running technique, you can do some internet research to discover a way to correct the problem. By taking time to consistently improve your running comfort means you’ll be less likely to become injured and develop a healthy natural stride. The more you practice your run, the more comfortable your stride will feel as you desire to lose weight.

Develop the Run-Walk Method To Make Running More Doable

There are many different techniques to train your running technique, but the ‘Run-Walk Method’ is a great way for new runners to get started and experienced runners to improve their race times. You can play with alternating your walking and running times over the distance that you are running. You’ll be able to exercise longer, and reach your fitness or health goals quickly and easier as you pace yourself!

Choose Different Running Techniques To Keep It Interesting

There are many running training plans online that you can use, but keep your choice simple— you have plenty of time to get better!

Here are some ideas below that you can consider to develop your running ability:

  • Train three days a week

  • Run or run/walk 20 to 30 minutes, two days a week

  • Take a longer run or run/walk (40 minutes to an hour) on the weekend

  • Rest or go to the gym on your off days

  • Run at a slow pace

  • Taking walk-breaks during your run

  • Run or walk in a 5K or 10K

Recording Your Results Helps With Run Consistency

When running, you will find that your focus may be on how tired you feel or the distance that you have to go. It is a good idea to have a VERY USEFUL & HEALTHY DISTRACTION called the Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor that keeps track of your running progress including calories burned based on your age, sex, and height, along with the distance and time it takes you to burn those calories!


Motivating yourself and practicing your running can do wonders in helping you reach fitness goals and redeveloping yourself. You can make MAJOR achievements by taking your time and practicing to run better and more consistently during the week.


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