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Strengthen Your Legs. Enhance Your Upper Body!

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., Exercise Science, Fitness Professional



We can easily get caught up in the "freakshow" that results from focusing on building our upper bodies. It is easy to do and fun at the same time. In fact, it seems like the upper body grows itself with a little TLC. But what happens when show some consistent attention to the lower body? Wonders happen. Why is it that our upper bodies seem to develop better when the lower body is developed? Let's look at some ideas about why leg development improves the upper body.

The Core Muscles Are Typically Activated With Leg Workouts

The muscles of the core include the abdominals and back muscles. These muscles are important to maintain stable posture and lifting ability. When the legs are exercised, especially while using external weight, the core muscles are immediately activated and are passively strengthened. This is very helpful for people who are training to develop a flatter stomach by doing ab work and dieting.

Leg Workouts Take More Energy To Do And Burn More Fat

The leg muscles have three major muscles groups above the knee; the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. These muscles are considerably large compared to other muscles on the body. They require a lot of energy to function properly and can burn a lot of fat. This makes the upper body muscles appear more toned and developed due to the lower body fat content.

Strong Legs Enhance Your Ability To Brace Yourself

When your legs are strong, lifting heavier weight with the upper body feels more connected and firm. Stability increases and muscular contractions in the upper body become stronger, because of the authority you have over the muscles. The natural tension, the feeling of bracing the legs, that occurs when lifting heavier weights with the upper body, creates even more firm upper body muscle contractions.

Legs Muscles Are Big Too...They Stimulate Testosterone Release

Because of the amount of energy and work that the legs can release or perform, the metabolism encourages the release of testosterone for more chemical energy to assist with exercise. This means that there are two major regions on the body that promote testosterone releases when worked; the upper region and the lower region.


It is important to work your legs not just for lower body strength, but also for upper body development! Don't neglect your legs if you want to maximize your workout time and results.


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