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Questioning If You Are Fat? Think on this...

Updated: Feb 14, 2021


This a great opportunity to deliver some important answers and ideas to you if you are concerned about being fat at a certain age or height. Here are some common questions that people often may ask themselves or others.

Questions like...

A. "Is my bodyweight normal for my age?"

B. "Am I too fat for my age and sex?"

C. "Am I too fat for my height"

D. "Does this make me look fat?" or "Is this too tight?"


A. "Is my bodyweight normal for my age?"

If you are questioning your age and your weight following the solutions in topic B below.

B. "Am I too fat for my age and sex?"

Sex and age are two factors that people use as a measure to determine if their appearance of being fat is rare or normal. This question can sometimes lead people into bad decision making when they don't understand some important ideas. DON'T RELY ON AGE AND SEX TO DETERMINE MEASURE YOUR FAT NORM!

Use BMI charts and body fat calculators that reveal your body fat percentage and BMI for a general understanding. Below are reasons why following your age and sex don't work as good measure for fatness.

1. Exposure to Food & Money

Bodyweight can be related to the food you can easily access to eat and the money you have to buy it — age and sex don't affect much here.

2. Discipline and Self-Control

The discipline you have to eat certain foods (and a safe amount of it) , the self-control you have to resist overeating foods, and the self-control to resist foods that make you feel guilty, varies from person to person—age and sex don't affect much here.

3. Family Habits and Food Preferences

Foods popular to your family, what they enjoy, and their willingness to accept new foods into their diet can lead to fatness—age and sex don't affect much here.

4. Genetics

Focusing on past and current family members can reveal dietary habits that contribute to reasons for fatness—age and sex don't affect much here.

5. Daily Movement Habits (physical activity)

The transition from youthfulness into adulthood can lead to changes in physical activity as the realm of adulthood begins to require a high usage of technology—age and sex don't affect much here.

C. " Am I too fat for my height?"

This common question can be checked with special techniques and testing that health professionals have designed. This means that the answer is easy to find on the internet. BUT

(BIG BUT), genetic history of your family's appearance should be researched for yourself. It helps to compare your body size to close family members or family members from the past that demonstrated the most self-control. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF YOUR FAMILY or FRIENDS OF YOUR FAMILY—the family food preferences and behavior may differ.

If you find that your family history always included overweight people, YOU'RE NOT CURSED TO BE OVERWEIGHT. It simply means that you have to think about your PERSONAL HABITS.

Find books and articles to research EASY TO FOLLOW diet and exercise habits. Be open to understanding what led to failures in healthy lifestyle changes, so you can plan to avoid failure for yourself.

D. "Does this make me look fat?" or "Is this too tight?"

Often you may find yourself asking your friend, significant other, or family members if something that you are wearing makes you look fat. The idea is not that the clothes that you are wearing make you look fat, but that they may be fitting you too tightly—a point that only you can experience.

When clothes feel tighter than they should, that's a good sign that you may be overweight. With the discovery of fatness leading to tight fitting clothing, this means that you are in need of a SIMPLE diet and exercise plan to slim you down.

Why a SIMPLE diet and exercise plan?

Because you can still put on the clothing that is leading to a fat image, it's a sign that your fatness IS CORRECTABLE with a diet change and exercise plan.


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