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Exercising in the Heat: Safety Outside!

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

By: Marcus M., Fitness Professional

(For online fitness counseling, please contact me at )


The sun will rise higher in the sky soon and our mood and energies towards outdoor heat are about to change dramatically. Cardiovascular activity and calisthenics around swimming pools, lakes, and beach parks is going to be the go-to agenda for frugal and serious fitness enthusiast . Outdoor exercise including cardio and calisthenics is going to pick up as the spring weather enters into warm-up towards summer. You are about to receive good tips that will guide you into a healthy adjustment into outdoor exercise.

Enjoy 10 tips that are going to help you stay cool and healthy during hot outdoor workouts!

What happens when we exercise and it's hot outside?

When performing outdoor activities at temperatures above 85°F, your cardiovascular system begins to get taxed with extra labor beyond the exercise you're doing. Your body temperature rises, sweat production increases, your heart rate speeds up, and your blood vessels dilate to keep your body cool. Follow the tips to accommodate these natural health adaptations in your body to be healthier and safer in the heat.

1. Ease into warm weather workouts

Since you have been nestled inside because of winter blasts, it's going to take your body time to adjust to exercising outdoors in higher temperatures. You should avoid intense outdoor training sessions for the first few weeks of beginning a new workout routine outdoors. Because it's really hot, you will want to start off slowly spending more short moments outside, 20-30 minutes, until you are comfortable with exercise in the heat— allow your body to acclimate.

2. Set a steady pace and flexibility

It's a good idea to be flexible with your workout schedule, offering yourself the opportunity to adapt cardiovascular health, speed, and distance. Give yourself a realistic time-frame that you can manage and run according to how you feel. Mix up your pace and adjust your performance level to the heat. Proper hydration is a BIG determinant to your health and exercise ability.

2. Heat increases your heart rate

Warmer weather affects your heart rate—it elevates it. When exercising outdoors with a heart rate monitor, you will see that higher temperatures boost your heart rate when you exercise a gentle pace that you are used to. It is healthy to workout at a slower pace when you are not use to outdoor activities—moving slower than indoor activity rates is better. The more you adapt to warm weather gently, the fitter you become. This means the more consistent you can be with outdoor activity, by coping with outdoor heat, allowing your heart rate to be elevated safely.

3. Exercise less in direct sunlight

Allowing the right time of day to be your guide for exercise training is a good idea. The direct sunlight during the spring and summer months can be overbearing. Try your best to not exercise in midday heat. You may find it healthier and easier to be consistent with your exercise plans by exercising early in the morning or later in the evening. Of course, cloudy days are good for exercise, but they can be far and few, meaning that your ability to select a cloudy day as an exercise choice can lead to inconsistency in exercise.

4. Exercise in flat, grassy areas

Choosing a flat area with lots of grass can be advantageous towards being consistent with exercise in the outdoor heat. Where concrete and asphalt radiates heat, grass areas absorbs heat and is not too reflective of light. If you chose to exercise outdoors when it is really hot, grassy places such as yards allow you to be more cool. Grassy areas are great for your joints when performing hopping exercises, jumping exercises, or calisthenics. If you can find a grassy area with trees, this can keep you very cool as you exercise in the shade. Flat grassy areas are the next best thing to exercising indoors when you want fresh air.

5. Dress cool

If you can find UV tolerant athletic wear, especially with sweat wicking ability, you will feel really good exercising outdoors. Try loose fitting clothing and "moisture-wicking" materials (excluding cotton) to allow heat to be released away from your body freely. Cotton clothing can easily absorb sweat and will become heavy and annoyingly wet. Body odors are often trapped in wet cotton materials, so nylon,spandex, polyester, and rayon blends can be very helpful with staying cool and fresh. Choosing light colors can help you feel cool mentally; colors can trick your mind. Wear a small hat that is breathable or a breathable scarf to protect your head and face from direct sunlight and UV rays, when exercising outdoors.

6. Protect exposed skin

Though it may not seem logical, wearing breathable, long spandex or stretchy materials to cover your extremities can also keep you cool on a hot day of exercise—they draw away sweat allowing you to feel the effects of evaporative cooling. When your extremities are covered there is less skin exposed to the sun. This reduces the pain associated with direct sunlight!As an extra, you should remember to wear sunscreen with the best SPF protection for your exposed skin.

7. Drink water

When exercising in warm weather, your body desires to reduce your core temperature by sweating. This lease to you losing water and minerals during your workout session. This loss of water can lead to a significant effect in the amount of exercise you can perform as well as how good you feel. Staying well hydrated with water and electrolyte solutions is VERY IMPORTANT! Don't simply drink water before, during, and after your exercise session, but also throughout the day. Diluted fruit juices and green tea are good options for tasty hydration.

8. Don't forget minerals and vitamins

To follow up with tip number 7, it is important that you have the energy for your cells to perform properly with the consumption of water. Natural fruits, vegetables, and legumes are full of vitamins and minerals that can give you a mood boost when sweating during exercise. REMEMBER, exercising outdoors during hot weather leads you to losing or using minerals, vitamins, and water due to sweating. Your body doesn't do a good job at producing important vitamins and minerals on its own, so proper nutrition including salt and magnesium can be very beneficial. Natural foods are also good post workout snacks.

9. Exercise gently

Exercise outdoors can lead to fatigue and dizziness when it's overdone in the heat. If this happens then you should stop immediately, eat something light, and drink water. When feeling tired in the heat from exercise, don't become aggressive about being tough! Allow your body to recover from bouts of exercise and you'll be ready to go again in upcoming days. Remember, that it is possible that your body may require longer recover time when it is very hot. If you don't feel well before you exercise outdoors, then you should not take the risk.

Give these tips a try when you are trying your healthy improvements with outdoor fitness in the warm weather. Again, it is important that you stay hydrated and well-nourished when aggressive outdoor conditions are competing with your health agenda.

For online health counseling, please contact me at


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