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5 Ultimate Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rules!

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., Exercise Science, Fitness Professional


(For information about fitness or personal workouts email

Eat ‘Kinda’ Modest & Lose Weight.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The holidays have been greatly anticipated this year! Many of you are concerned about being your healthiest after the holidays— you’re in luck!

You have been ditching and dodging dietary sabotage, so this is going to be simple.

You may be thinking that starvation is the way to keep yourself safe from “holiday food devils”, but subtle temptations are peeking from behind the scenes to snatch your attention into the refrigerator. Remember that portion control is your friend, so if all else fells in your light.

Eater Beware.

We find ourselves trying to stick to strict diets during special holidays, but it always seems that food urges provoke our taste buds into a snacking frenzy. This time, let’s prepare for the occasion—let’s graciously enjoy the foods we love while maintaining our waistlines.

Please enjoy the '5 Ultimate Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rules!' and follow the basic rules I explain so your tummy and mind will be at ease!


"Your tongue has taste buds…use them!"

Photo by Guido Fuà on Unsplash

Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rule # 1

Take fewer bites between portions

So you’re not sure what your grandma has added to the special bread pudding; there's such a powerfully, delicious buzz— take some time and examine your ‘bite’.

If you can gently extend the time you chew to enjoy the texture and flavor of the holiday food that you’re relishing, the road to fullness can be right after your next sip of water.

Food takes time to digest. The slower you eat the fuller you will feel.

"Snack healthy before leaving home, take up some belly space."

Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rule # 2

Pre-fill belly space and save your waist.

You may already know what is on the family’s Christmas menu and have prepared a nutritional order of food consumption in your mind!

But before you head over to grandma’s, make sure that you have selected a few healthy fillers out of your pantry or refrigerator. Take up some excess food space in your belly.


Sometimes we have the tendency to indulge in our favorite holiday delicacies repetitiously, asking for “just one more bite”.

Curve your appetite with a root-based snack, a grain based snack, or a natural fruit so that you don’t top off your appetite at the dinner table.

"Bring something just for you."

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rule # 3

Bring a healthy dish

Your sister brought the ham, your brother brought the beer, your cousin made baked mac and cheese, so what’s left for you to bring? Why not bring a healthy new recipe that you can enjoy especially? You’re not being selfish—you’re silently encouraging the family to eat healthy, adding vitamins to their diets, and depending on what you make, possibly adding much needed fiber into everyone’s holiday meal.

"Low sugar beverages—feel full."

Photos by julia zolotova on Unsplash

Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rule # 4

Water is good but we also like flavor…

Drink more water than sugardrinks such as Sweet Tea, Lemonade, and Pomegranate Juice all have high quality H2O (water) in them so drink up. Be careful not to take in too much sugar through your drinks—there can be alot of calories here! It may tough, but you can do it. If sugar in your drink seems to be overwhelming, dilute your beverage with water to cut sweetness.

"Push back from the table—take a quick stroll!"

Photos by krzysztof kowalik Unsplash

Happy Holiday Weight Loss Rule # 5

Walk off dinner

There’s no need to sit around feeling stuffed as people are finishing their holiday meals! Why not go out for a quick walk to help your food digest (I do it, but I don't go far). I am not telling you to be a power walker in a Christmas sweater, but I am saying take advantage of small moments to burn a few calories and move food through your digestive system—this rule is guaranteed to make your tomorrow a good day!

Photos by jez timms on Unsplash



I have something else for you to do during any downtime you may's only 12-minutes!

I found a short workout you can do during your down time on your holiday vacation, it doesn't require equipment—fast and convenient.

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