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Simple Nutrition + Simple Exercise = Consistent Weight Loss All Year!

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

Simple Nutrition + Simple Exercise = Consistent Weight Loss All Year!

(No math, just facts!)

By: Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., Exercise Science, Fitness Professional

(For information about fitness or personal workouts email


Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash

Simple Nutrition

Let’s get wise about diet, exercise, and nutrition (there’s a hormonal relationship I want you to know about later— so be patient :-)

Until then…

Understand that consistent exercising along with occasional exercise changes will do amazing things when combined with a simple diet of your choice (if you’re reading this you probably know this).

But please be aware…you don’t need to have a confusing, trendy diet to soothe that sudden wake-up call to lose weight.

“Let’s Make America Healthy Again” (I changed the motto a bit)

Photo by Globe Afrique

Trump says “Let’s make America great again”… I say “ Let’s make America healthy again”. But, understand, I’m not talking about the standards of government or its politics.


You can keep it healthy and simple with a Free nutrition planner found on a government website (since the government does enable unhealthy foods and dangerous foods to be bought at the discretion of the consumer)!

But…you’ll be fine with me. This article is going to help you!

Photo by Tani Eisenstein on Unsplash

Since the government presented the food pyramid program, some of us were confused about how to make the servings on the box reflect our real-life dietary habits (I’m guilty).

But over the years, it seems that trendy diets have come along to save those “lost to good health” due to nutrition confusion (What do you think?).

But strangely…do trendy diets seem to be more expensive than the healthy diets that our mothers prepared for us using the food pyramid?

I think so.

Photo by photo4design

Hope to be healthy again—find a FREE nutrition planner online!

Photo by E!

Relax— Don’t be too picky about specific diets if you’re starting something new with your nutrition—as long as the food tastes good and it can be mixed and matched healthily into your diet, you’ll be fine!

Any nutrition planner like the FREE nutrition planner that I mentioned earlier, is good for making the most of your time by calculating calories for you! It is like a virtual nutritionist that considers your sex, age, and physical activity (among other things) to keep you healthy֫—

I’m glad these planners are online — we need these in America; there’s a lot of processed food here speeding up weight gain—have you noticed?

These nutrition planners are convenient! ( the government sees them as beneficial too!)

An online nutrition planner replaces the old food pyramid idea and makes it conveniently interactive online. The nutrition planner approach is way simpler because it does all the calculations for you (you know, the one’s we pay dietitians and nutritionist for?).

With online nutrition planners, all you have to do is save the calorie and food recommendations on your smartphone and shop for your groceries!

But if you’re into reading labels still…

The healthy foods that come in plastic packaging, show serving sizes on the side of the nutrition facts, providing at a glance mental processing of what’s best for you to stay fit (some of us still find this easy!)

Using nutrition facts, our only job seems to be checking the serving sizes to compare the dominant protein, fat, or carbohydrate (carbs) source in the product (called macronutrients if you didn’t know).

Though the process can feel burdensome, often causing us to question ourselves, nutrition facts help us stay healthy in a busy lifestyle.

Simple Exercise

Understand that exercise helps a lot with weight loss, but you have to do it to make a difference. Remember, additional exercise — exercise beyond your daily grocery runs and stair hikes — will stimulate fat loss and burn hidden calories that cause you to get fat!

Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash

And because of the occasionally “plague” of the “feel like doing nothings”, you may eventually find yourself hearing strange suggestions from doctors regarding hormonal conditions—huh?

You heard me right!

The more sedentary you are, the more likely you will be diagnosed with a dysfunctional metabolism simply related to hormone imbalance (balanced diet and exercise reduce the likelihood of this greatly).

Did you know that exercise stimulates hormone release while balanced diets make hormones function properly? If not, don’t worry— our simple formula, ( Simple Nutrition + Simple Exercise) will help your body re-adjust!

But, understand, the subliminal message here is that well-balanced hormones help with weight loss.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Hormones are released during exercise and will boost your metabolism into breaking down “sluggish” food energy from fats, carbs, and proteins—so exercise and eat right—your body will do the rest!


By managing the habits of nutrition and exercise conveniently for yourself, using convenient internet tools and fitness guidance—and I MEAN CONVENIENT—you will have consistent weight loss year round. Here are some webpages for you to see different options for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

(For information about fitness or personal workouts email

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