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Develop a Strong Core for Strength!

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

This is a wall plank to work the core.

One key to perfect health is developing a strong core! I'm not just talking about a nice 6-pack, but a strong torso. too.

Photo By OSTPT

Why have a strong core?

A strong core includes our abdominal muscles, muscles that wrap around our midsections, and the muscles that wrap around our back, including the ones around our spines. These muscles are important because they help us lift things . Not only do they help us lift objects, they also help us walkaround and move properly.

Why do people consider core development apart of ab workouts?

When people work their abs they are often striving to develop their core muscles. This is a good thing, but they must also be aware of where the rest of their strength and development can occur. There are so many advertisements and fitness tips that market a 6-pack or a chiseled core, but typically they're only referring to the stomach region.

Photo By KaaYaa

What is the best way to develop a stronger core?

The are many ways to develop a stronger core despite working our abs only. It is ideal to develop the core with compound movements. Below are a few exercises that incorporate compound. By the way, these are also exercises that will work your abs too if you're concerned about how your abs develop.

With Weights

Without Weights


You can work and develop your core affordably and effectively to improve your appearance and health. Develop consistency and steadiness with your workout plans. Keep your fitness strategy simple and you'll be amazed at what you achieve.


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