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Answers to your fitness questions!

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

By: Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., Exercise Science, Fitness Professional

If you need help with fitness or exercise planning, email me:

I receive alot of questions from people seeking answers to their fitness questions and concerns—that's great! I believe that there is no dumb question so I am always open for discussion. Whether you need to know "how easy it is to get a flat stomach" or "how can I get bigger legs (more muscle)", I can help you out.

So, without further ado, get out your pen and paper take notes clients!

P.S. The Optimus Powerpress Push-up fitness equipment that will develop your chest and back here and below !

People are asking...

I have an idea of why this question is asked and it has alot to do with knowledge. Often when you are working out, you may feel a burn in your legs—it either comes when you train a long time or when you are lifting weights to a certain point of repetitions (sometimes this point is known as failure). For many this is a sign of fatigue and a sign to stop exercising.

Due to the large size of the leg muscles, the amount of burn that you feel seems to be more intense than in the upper body. People often find this feeling undesirable—but it is safe and natural. The burning feeling is from lactic acid buildup and it comes from the usage and restoration of a certain chemical in your body that helps you perform additional exercise.

To reduce the effects of lactic acid buildup in both the legs and upper body, there are certain supplements that can be used to help—but be advised, strong tingling can occur throughout the body with certain lactic acid buildup prevention supplements. It may not be the best supplement for you if you aren't trying to build serious muscle or simply just working out.

"A balanced diet and exercise", I say. There's no absolute way to lose weight, but understand that weight loss is a cumulative effect. Some people rely on weight loss pills, supplements, or natural drinks in addition to regular activity during their day, [ i.e. at work, at school, while grocery shopping] to get weight loss results. But unfortunately, their plans seem to malfunction due to a lack of time, poor nutrition, or not enough physical activity—sometimes a combination of the three.

Great question! Yes... it appears that you are working your chest and arm muscles alone (but, you are not!). Did you know that although you are using your chest muscles to press against the floor, your back muscles simultaneously contract strongly to pull you back? The back muscles perform what is called an isometric contraction (consistent tightening of the back muscles is an unusual behavior to be performed by the back when those muscles are usually relaxed all day) to maintain stability through out the push-up.

When you are going down into the bottom of the push-up, the back muscles squeeze (contract) tightly to keep you from falling. When you're at the top of the push-up, the back muscles are still contracted, but not nearly as much because of your arms supporting and stabilizing your bodyweight.

The best weight loss diet is a balanced one. What this means is, based on your fitness goals and natural health requirements, you should make sure that you are eating the correct amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins .

There are many different types of templates that you can find that will assist you with developing a nutrition strategy such as the Slim Fast Program (it's free with the products you purchase), Paleo diet, and Keto diet to name a few.

The fitness industry is always creating trendy fads that you may find effective towards your weight loss goals.

  • Select various types of fruits and vegetables that you may enjoy to make your diet versatile and fun.

  • Make sure that you take into consideration any food allergies and preferences that you may have and you're off to a good start !

My secret to faster muscle growth is to ensure that you are engaging in a resistance training program and that you are consistent with it. Consistency is the key to making certain that you achieve the best results possible with your focus on building muscle!

Understand that it's not the amount of weight that you lift that determines the amount of muscle you put on (though light to moderate weight is ideal), but it is the definitely the amount of repetitions and sets that you achieve to stimulate the muscle growth.

Lastly, the diet that you have is significantly related to your ability to repair and grow muscles. Having a diet that is rich in protein (a muscle building substance) and carbohydrates (an energy provision) provides you a solid foundation to build your nutrition around.


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