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How to Make The Most Of Your Time—Optimize Quick Workouts Into Your Day!

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

Sometimes you may find that time is not on your side when it comes to getting into shape or losing weight. If this is you, don’t be disappointed. We’ve got a solution for you to get your body into “tip-top shape” by dedicating a little time each day "quickly exercising".

We recommend that you take a little time each day, to dedicate energy into bodyweight exercises that will improve your health with consistency.

What is the benefit of short daily workouts?

Taking the time to perform 20 to 30 minutes home workouts everyday, can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in your appearance—of course with a simple diet. People that incorporate short bursts of high-intensity activities into their week can experience decreases in their body mass index (BMI) compared to inconsistent exercisers!

The likelihood of you being fat forever or obese are slim, for both men and women who do quick workouts regularly. The key to “optimizing” your workout efforts is changing your workouts from slow pace to fast pace in intensity, no matter the type of exercise you are doing! For safety reasons, you may not be able to exercise quicker, and may decide to rest for less time between exercise sets.

How to Optimize Your Daily Exercise Time?

With all of this being said, how can you take advantage of your free time to exercise and optimize your workout?

  • Exercise during T.V. commercial breaks or during your favorite show

It may be easy for you multitask with watching your favorite television show and exercising. You can easily get up and do jumping jacks, perform crunches, or get on the floor and perform push-ups as you watch T.V.

  • Do really simple exercises as you perform daily tasks or chores.

Exercising simply while you do daily tasks or chores like brushing your teeth or vacuuming can lead to you perform calf raises or body squats, as you get important things done.

  • Set a reminder or alarm to exercise throughout the day

You may find it more convenient to set your cell phone to automatically "go off"to signal you to do a simple collection of basic exercises. You may want to do some basic stretches or take a short, brisk walk outside. Schedule your alarm to do this throughout the day—make it fun!

  • Find opportunities to do more than one thing

You can easily find multitasking exercise while doing real daily tasks. You can easily walk to complete errands instead of driving or take the stairs instead of the elevator to perform the same tasks. You may even decide to park away further from the grocery store door.


If you stay consistent with the mentioned exercise tasks and performance recommendations, you will receive the best results possible using a little time daily—it all adds up. Also, after performing your quick workout sessions for a month or so, don’t forget to change up your routine to reduce boredom and plateauing.


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