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Reset Your Bathroom Experience With Natural Solutions!

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

So many digestive problems...why?

Heavy foods and sweets can often lead to bloating, constipation, indigestion, or other digestive problems. Our bodies have a natural response to food whether we like it or not. Some people try to use over-the-counter drugs and shelved medicines to help override or ignore the triggering of negative digestive symptoms.

Unfortunately, a brief return of digestive comfort can lead to continuous trial-of-faith related to poor eating habits and a routine of taking over the counter medicines to relieve reoccurring negative digestive symptoms. To help reduce the aggressive consumption of over the counter medications, I recommend going towards more natural solutions to relieve negative digestive symptoms. Why?

A straight and narrow path to comfort

Taking more natural paths to relieve digestive discomfort gives you the option of exploring natural foods. Natural foods provide to you both nutrients, bowel bulking components, gas releasing relief, and some anti-inflammation benefits.

Also, natural supplements can help as reinforcement to natural foods when the nutrient concentration of food isn't attainable based on the amount required to be eaten for specific effectiveness.

A list of drama in the bathroom!

There are common problems that people encounter when it comes to bathroom visits. I will share with you the popular ones and describe the significance of the problems associated with each condition.


A condition that occurs when the stomach seems to feel uncomfortably full without a regard to eating food. It often feels like air is in the stomach. Sometimes a lack of bowel movements can lead to bloating, backed up air behind fecal matter in the large intestines. Some foods are more enabling to produce gas than others. Sometimes chronic burping can occurwith bloating.


A condition that occurs when bowel movements are reluctant, often leading to severe stomach cramping and bloating. People often strain to start or release the fecal matter that is causing them discomfort. Constipation can occur due to a lack of fiber (not enough mass to squeeze out), too much fiber without much water, too much protein, or a lack of water in the diet. A common sign of constipation is long durations between bowel movements and stomach fullness.


A condition associated with eating foods and experiencing a slight acidic-like vomit fluid coming up to the back of the throat, usually revealing the last meal eaten. The symptoms of indigestion are very similar, if not exactly comparable to acid reflux.


A condition that results with an uncomfortable fullness in the stomach, where air seems to be trapped and then regularly released through the anus.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

A condition where frequent bathroom trips are made in the efforts to make a bowel movement. Inconsistent bowel textures often occur during a particular day; a mixture of diarrhea and solid stool. Stomach cramping and a strange sense of nausea often can occur with IBS. A sign of IBS is long durations between bowel movements and poor quality bowel movements that don't leave relief.

Loose Bowel Movements

A condition similar to diarrhea where the stool is choppy or loose, often because of the diet or dehydration.


Did You Know? Gas and Bloating sometimes go hand in hand!

Gassiness and bloating often results from fecal matter in the large intestine. The fecal matter begins to ferment (breakdown and produces a gas product), and the gas goes backwards through the large intestines (remember that air rises), instead of being passed from the body downwards. Other times, carbonated beverages or foods that digest and ferment, can cause gas to be created during the digesting process. Due to stool blockages in the large intestines and colon, the gas does not pass out of the body easily but proceeds upward.


Did You Know? Loose Bowel and IBS sometimes go hand in hand!

Very often due to a high fat diet and other oily foods, fecal matter can sometimes be choppy or pebble-like, instead of long and round. Although the abdominal discomfort between the two conditions may not be the same, it can be very inconvenient to have bowels that are unpredictable in their desire to release stool from the body.


ALSO, If you are dealing with constipation or IBS symptoms (irritable bowel syndrome), then Cascara Sagrada can provide gentle natural, relief unlike aggressive laxatives.

How can I address the listed digestive system conditions?

Below is a description of common digestive conditions that are usually uncomfortable and inconvenient to those that experience them. Use the solutions to help manage your issue and do additional research to see other complete ideas about the problem. Stay informed, seek assistance from a professional medical doctor to make your experience of a healthy life better.

Possible Solution to Bloating

Find a list of Fermentable Oligosaccharides (sugar), Disaccharides(sugar), Monosaccharides (sugar), and Polyols (sugar) to help you identify the foods to reduce that contribute to your bloating—it's a simple fix...reduce the amount you eat or avoid it! There's an acronym that you can use to find these foods (FODMAP); you can google search "low FODMAP diet". Below is a small list of FODMAP foods:

  • wheat, onions, garlic, legumes, beans, milk, yogurt, ice cream, chewing gums, and candies

Tip: Try removing all the FODMAP foods and reintroducing them slowly to see which is causing the bloating problem. Your goal is to have a low FODMAP diet.

Possible Solution to Constipation

A fiber-rich diet, water, and exercise may help relax your large intestine and colon enough to release fecal matter. Another alternative is natural fiber supplementation to help with bulking and plenty of water to lubricate the large intestines and colon. But, understand, if you experience consistent constipation, check with your doctor about what you should do.

Possible Solution to Indigestion

The symptoms of indigestion can be reduced by avoiding alcoholic drinks (especially wine), carbonated drinks, coffee, foods that contain a lot of acid, spicy foods, fatty foods, and greasy foods. Processed foods, some teas, dairy products, cooking oils, tomatoes, tomato products, and oranges are popular food types that can lead to indigestion. Enjoy a well-balanced diet avoiding the mentioned foods, and you can feel much better when you eat.

Possible Solution to Gassiness

The most obvious way to reduce the effects of gas is to reduce the way that air can enter into the body. Fast eating, gum chewing, and carbonated drinks are easy ways to reduce gas. Reducing or avoiding fermentable foods (gas forming foods), especially one's found in the FODMAP diet lists can be a good start too. Foods like beans, cabbage, broccoli, raisins, lentils, prunes, apples, high fructose foods, and high fructose beverages are some direct one's to avoid.

Possible Solution to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Reducing the effects of irritable bowel syndrome includes avoiding fast-food, eating more fiber, avoiding gluten, and reducing fatty, oily foods. Irritable bowel symptoms can be regulated better when a special diet called the "low FODMAP" diet is studies; it reveals to you a list of foods to choose that can lead to digestive discomfort. The idea is to have low consumption of these foods.

Possible Solution to Loose Bowel Movements

Loose stool can be reduced by avoiding alcohol, avoiding fast-food, oily foods, too much fruit, fructose, and sugar alcohols. Identifying foods on the "low FODMAP" diet recommendation can certainly help.


The mentioned digestive conditions are just a few of the common problems that people encounter when having a poor diet or a lack of awareness to their bodies response to certain foods.

Trying the tips mentioned, especially those describing the benefits of a low FODMAP diet will likely make a difference in your health and wellness. Don't forget to check with your doctor when deciding to make adjustments to your diet related to your digestive health.

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